Recent Work
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work mylar, paper, fabric, ribbon, thread
"America First, America Alone"
mylar, paper, fabric, ribbon, thread
26" x 32"

United States under Trump.
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work fabric, thread on paper
"Morals of An Alley Cat"
fabric, thread on paper
30" x 32"

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work fabric, thread on paper
"Peace in Gaza Now, Two State Solution"
fabric, thread on paper
19.5" x 24.5"
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work fabric, thread on canvas
Peace in Gaza Now
fabric, thread on canvas
52.5" x 18.5"

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work canvas, fabric, stuffing, wire, thread
canvas, fabric, stuffing, wire, thread
37" x 23" x 21"
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work
"Explosion" view 2

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work fabric, canvas, thread
fabric, canvas, thread
25" x 25"
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work fabric, thread on paper
"Unity 2"
fabric, thread on paper
7.5" x 5"

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work canvas, fabric, wire, tyvek
"Housing For All"
canvas, fabric, wire, tyvek
25" x 30" x 24"
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work canvas, fabric, stuffing, wire, thread, paper
canvas, fabric, stuffing, wire, thread, paper
32" x 39" x 15"

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work canvas, fabric, stuffing,wire, paper, ribbon
View 2 of "Home"
canvas, fabric, stuffing,wire, paper, ribbon
10" x 28" x 16"

"Home" wrapped up and snapped together and becomes a traveling home
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work canvas, fabric, thread, wire, stuffing
"Unusual Landscape #2"
canvas, fabric, thread, wire, stuffing
21" x 29" x 32"

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work canvas, fabric, thread, wire, stuffing
"Spring With MLK"
canvas, fabric, thread, wire, stuffing
16.5" x 13" x 13"
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work canvas, fabric, thread
"Making Waves"
canvas, fabric, thread

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work fabric, thread on canvas
"Making Waves" view 2
fabric, thread on canvas
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work pencil, thread, canvas
John Lewis
pencil, thread, canvas
7.5" x 7.5"

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work thread on canvas
"Pink Tree in Lyndhurst"
thread on canvas
20" x 15"
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work thread on canvas
"Frozen Flag: detail from Washington Crossing the Delaware"
thread on canvas
12" x 8"

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work pencil, thread on canvas
"Elizabeth Meixell"
pencil, thread on canvas
13.5" x 10.5"

Private Collection
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work thread on canvas
"Yearning to be Free"
thread on canvas
12" x 8"

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work thread on canvas
"RBG's Collar"
thread on canvas
22" x 22"

Seeing photographs of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's collars photographed in a flat format, I began working from a photograph of one and then went my own direction.
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work thread on canvas
"RBG's Collar #2"
thread on canvas
21.5" x 24.5"

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work thread and pencil on canvas
"Pink Tree #3"
thread and pencil on canvas
12" x 10"
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work thread, pencil on canvas
"View from Index Art Center"
thread, pencil on canvas
8" x 11"

This embroidery was made at my studio at Index Art Center in Newark, NJ. It is a view of a tree (full of birds) and the Bamberger building that could be seen from my window. Index Art Center is now closed at this location. The building will be demolished and a 14 story apartment building will be built.

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work thread on canvas
"Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson"
thread on canvas
10" x 12"

Private Collection
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work thread on canvas
"First Vaccine"
thread on canvas
14" x 11"

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work thread on canvas
"Youth Protesting at Hackensack Rally #2"
thread on canvas
14" X 15"

After the murder of George Floyd there were countless demonstrations for social justice all over the US. I attended this demonstration in Hackensack, NJ where many young people were involved and voiced their outrage.
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work thread on canvas
"We Will Not Be Erased"
thread on canvas
14" x 9"

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work thread on canvas
"Spring 2021"
thread on canvas
12" x 10"

Beginning the second year of the Covid epidemic, I wanted to communicate the beauty of Spring in New Jersey.
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work thread on canvas
"Spring 2021 #2"
thread on canvas
12" x 9.5"

Private Collection

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work thread on canvas
"The Insurrection"
thread on canvas
5" x 8.5"

Private Collection
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work thread on canvas
"In Memory of George Floyd"
thread on canvas
6 1/2" x 5 1/2"

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work thread on canvas
Nancy Pelosi
thread on canvas
10" x 10"

Private Collection
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work thread on canvas
thread on canvas
8.5" x 11"

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work thread on canvas
"Man on a Horse"
thread on canvas
12" x 8" x 2"
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work fabric, thread on paper
fabric, thread on paper
18" x 24"

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work
"Trump World: Fake America Again" view 2
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work canvas, fabric, wire, thread, found object
"Trump World: Fake America Again"
canvas, fabric, wire, thread, found object
94" x 20" x 15"

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work
"Trump World: Fake America Again" view 3
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work
"F... America Again With Tears" view 2

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work canvas, stuffing, wire, fabric, thread, yarn
"F... America Again With Tears"
canvas, stuffing, wire, fabric, thread, yarn
6" x 6" x 7", 74" from ceiling
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work canvas, fabric, thread
"Red States and Blue States"
canvas, fabric, thread

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work
"Red States and Blue States" detail
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work canvas, fabric, thread
"Trump's America With Vomit and Blue Stars"
canvas, fabric, thread
39" x 14"

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work fabric, paper, thread
"Thank You First Responders"
fabric, paper, thread
28 1/2" x 22 1/2"

Made during the first summer of the pandemic. Joining the many window works, made by children and adults in my neighborhood, shown in windows during the time of Sheltering in Place.
Also included "Prayers for the Pandemic" Volume One
organized by Drawing Rooms, Jersey City, NJ
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work
"Thank You First Responders" view 2

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work fabric on paper
"How is This Helping the People of Newark?"
fabric on paper
23" x 35.5"

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work fabric, paper, thread
"Thank you First Responders #2"
fabric, paper, thread
28 1/2" x 22 1/2"

private collection
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work canvas, fabric, thread, wood, yarn
"Quote From Ruth Bader Ginsburg"
canvas, fabric, thread, wood, yarn
62" x 34" x 1"

The quote reads:
The decision whether or not to bear a child is central to a woman’s life, to her well-being and dignity. It is a decision she must make for herself. When the government controls that decision for her, she is being treated as less than a full adult human responsible for her own choices.
— RBG, Senate Confirmation Hearings, 1993.

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work

Installation views. "Bringing It All Back Home" curated by Colleen Gutwein O'Neal at Index Art Center in Newark, NJ.
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work

Installation views. "Bringing It All Back Home" curated by Colleen Gutwein O'Neal at Index Art Center in Newark, NJ.

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work canvas, fabric, wire, thread
"Empowering Quotes in Backward Times"
canvas, fabric, wire, thread
81" x 41" x 3"

The quotes are from contemporary political women leaders in the United States such as Michelle Obama, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Maxine Waters. From the back of the piece the quotes can be read correctly. In the front of the piece the quotes are backward.
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work canvas, fabric, wire, thread
"Empowering Quotes in Backward Times" view 2
canvas, fabric, wire, thread

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work canvas, fabric, wire, tyvek, thread
"Falling on Our Faces"
canvas, fabric, wire, tyvek, thread
15" x 20" x8"
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work
"Falling on Our Faces" view 2

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work canvas,stuffing, wire, ribbon, thread, yarn
"The Base"
canvas,stuffing, wire, ribbon, thread, yarn
108" x 30" x 1"
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work
"The Base" view 2

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work
"The Base" view 3
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work fabric, thread on paper
fabric, thread on paper
22 1/2" x 15"

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work fabric, canvas, thread
"Wall Prototype: Immigration Barrier"
fabric, canvas, thread
108" x 16" x 3"
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work

Installation view of "Between Wisdom and Madness: Works in Sculpture" at Index Art Center, Newark, NJ. Curated by Agnes Deja and Sarah Walko.

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work pencil, fabric, thread on paper
"It's a Witch Hunt"
pencil, fabric, thread on paper
10' x 13 1/2'
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work fabric, thread, pencil on paper
"Make America Sick Again"
fabric, thread, pencil on paper
88" x 30"

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work pencil, fabric, paper, thread on paper
"No Trump"
pencil, fabric, paper, thread on paper
78" x 80"

Site specific work made for Flat File Wall as part of the exhibition CURMUDGEON at ODETTA Gallery
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work fabric, paper, thread and pencil on paper
"Hands Off #2"
fabric, paper, thread and pencil on paper
14" x 12"

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work fabric, thread, pencil on paper
"Rogue States"
fabric, thread, pencil on paper
26" x 40"
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work fabric, thread on paper
"Trump's Wall"
fabric, thread on paper
15" x 22"

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work pencil, canvas, fabric, stuffing, wire and yarn
"States with Tears"
pencil, canvas, fabric, stuffing, wire and yarn
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work thread on canvas
"ICE Comes For Ivanka"
thread on canvas
11" x 7"

private collection

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work thread on canvas
"Senator Kamala Harris: We are Better Than This"
thread on canvas
11" x 8"

private collection
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work
"Kellyanne Conway" view 2

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work canvas, stuffing, thread
"Kellyanne Conway"
canvas, stuffing, thread
14" x 10" x 5"
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work thread on canvas
"I Should Have Been Reminded"
thread on canvas
11" x 8"

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work canvas, fabric, stuffing, wire, thread, plastic weight, styrofoam
"Matter Of Time"
canvas, fabric, stuffing, wire, thread, plastic weight, styrofoam
12" x 9" x 8"
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work canvas, thread, fabric, wire
"Trump's Basket of Deplorables"
canvas, thread, fabric, wire
25" x 25" x 15"

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work canvas, wire, fabric, thread, stuffing
"Trump Head"
canvas, wire, fabric, thread, stuffing
19" x 10" x 19"
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work fabric, thread, pencil on paper
"It's a Witch Hunt #2"
fabric, thread, pencil on paper

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work paper, pencil, fabric, thread
"Hands Off"
paper, pencil, fabric, thread
49" x 45"
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work fabric, thread, pencil on paper
"Trump Hands Off Our Country"
fabric, thread, pencil on paper
78" x 80"

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work digital prints, thread
"Remembering Mar-a-Lago"
digital prints, thread
8 1/2" x 11"
Patricia Dahlman Recent Work digital photos, thread, pencil
"Monkey On My Back"
digital photos, thread, pencil
17" x 14"

Patricia Dahlman Recent Work digital photos, fabric, thread on paper
"The Tree Killers"
digital photos, fabric, thread on paper
15" x 22"